Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Death Star


Do you ever have one of those nights when you dream something and you're like..."that is so brilliant"...

But it's only in your dream.

Then you wake up and think REAL hard trying to remember how smart you 2:00am....

and when you finally remember's like..."I am such a weenie!"

Yep, that was me last night....

So here it is...

"When talking with others you should never be the Death Star (Star Wars reference)....blowing them up with your ...super duper death laser"

"Instead you should be a Guest Star....letting them take the spotlight and you acting as a person that helps them look even cooler"

Oh...MY......I am still laughing at how stupid this is now that I'm awake....

I am so thankful for blogging...because that could have ended up in a lecture I was giving...


(((little smirk on my face as I log off with)))

You a Death Star or Guest Star?

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