Saturday, December 22, 2007

Journal Launch and Life Changer B-day 38

Today I did it, I broke the sebatical. No more lack of reading, it is time to add some polish to my armory and make sure that it is no longer being made weaker from the passage of time and the lack of outside influences.

I am starting where I left off, with a book I love. Why, because it changed my life last time and spurred me on to true meditation on the God's words (which is why I started the sebatical in the first place)...why this time, well...because I now want it not for my own puffiness, but to enable me to love better.. Thanks JI... thanks for the reminder of why I want this, thanks Gretch for spurring me to do it on my birthday, and thanks to all of you. is now launched and active and in some way you are a part of it.

1 comment:

Nicole Lauren said...

YESSS! I am so proud of you for breaking the sebatical!

We must celebrate.
We will celebrate.

Book Party.
Bring your ... favorite book ... and ... read ... it ...

Might I recommend The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants next?