Monday, July 19, 2010

Its been a while

It's been a while since I have taken the time to actually sit down and blog...well a long while.

Since the last time I blogged so much has happened.

I had a kiddo...yay...he's alot like us both...I like to call him muppet because he acts like a 20 year old and has such distinct features...all wrapped up in a 2 1/2 month old body

See...that's his "doh" look. He only does that when he really thinks dad is crazy.

But he's not the subject this friends are...

They are the subject of my blog return....

Who are they...?

They met at a group we are involved with. Believe me, it was an unlikely meeting. They met...they fell in love...they got hitched and now...and now, they are on a path....together.

That's the part that's so cool.

I watched them this week standing tall. I watched them lifting the other up...

I watched them maybe for one of the first times in their lives...completely not alone.

You see they had to talk in front of people...they had to throw some opinions that were controversial....wait...they didn't have to...


They both were smiling...though the audience was probably going "what did they just say"....."can they say THAT here?"...yep they rocked...and the listeners were rocked ...the couple was truly one...Mr. And Mrs Smith one ...yep people were...listening...some i'm sure were shocked..and some more than others...but there was this guy...just this one guy...oh yes ...except for that one guy....

That one guy....

He was on the back row....yellow shirt...normal tie....he was listening...intently

He was uneasy...he wanted to say something so bad that he almost couldn't keep it in ...I bet ...98% sure....he wanted to say....."yes"..."YES"....

How do I know that..well it might have been his smile....way big smile...bright eyed smile...

So the scene...a couple acting as one...risking it all because they have each other....let's call them "the cause".

Then the yellow shirt guy...I had to keep looking back....I couldn't help myself...

I am going to give yellow guy a name too...."effect"

Bottom line...

Thank you "cause" guys did guys demonstrated marriage perfectly.

And as for you mr.....


Effect...I hope we meet again.

One way or another...I bet we do....

Location:From my home